In other news I made it to Glasgow safely, although it started raining in the airplane during take-off.
Heathrow was actually quite peaceful.
I set up camp and sat for a bit before ambling around Terminal 5. I eventually found my gate, boarded the plane, and found my seat. I don't think we ever took off from the ground, but the plane was in the air when I woke up.
Have lots of fun in Scotland!
Lenore had a very similar look on her face while we visited. Her virus came straight from the tummy area. Yep. Stomach flu. Hope you viruses are less violent.
So, wait, I'm confused, maybe I never got the story straight to begin with. You're headed to China via Scotland?
Also, traveling while ill? Ugh. I hope you do okay with that. Yuck.
-Rod H
oops, forgot to click "please email follow up comments." doing that now, la la la.
Welcome to Abroad! I left a spastic and discombobulated message on your phone yesterday after I realized that I forgot to call you before you left the states and that I had my days all mixed up. It went something like this:
"Shelley! Crap! You left yesterday, and I really wanted to say have an awesome adventure and have a great time in Scotland, and happy trails! I will miss the heck out of you! I love you! Damn, you're never going to get this!"
So, now you actually got it, in written form. It's all true, and I am so happy that you're off on the adventure of a lifetime!
(MCC let me go visit my brother on the way to my assignment. I just had to pay the negligible difference on the plane ticket. Otherwise, it likely would have been a total of 5 years between times with him!!!)
So did your dad give you a cold or did Pennsylvania give you a cold?
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