Friday, November 7, 2008

What not to put on toast

I tried Marmite today.

It was really bad.

Joel didn't mind it so much.


Daniel and Natalie said...

So what is it exactly? Though the facial expressions did explain much. I felt similarly to all foods yesterday as I finally gave in to Lenore's stomach flu she was kind enough to share. Yes, twins share everything I guess. Darn it!

Unknown said...

Shelley! Don't eat it!

Abungerism said...

Yes, it is truly disgusting. The label says it is a 'yeast extract.' I'm not sure how they extract it from the little buggers, but judging from the taste I wouldn't want to be there when they do it.

Anonymous said...

Joel and Heather never made US try marmite! Whew! Always experimenting on the younger sibling!!! You're so trusting.
