Sunday, May 9, 2010

If I had a blog

If I had a blog, I would be diligent in my posting schedule. Good thing I don't have a blog. Here are some things we eat for lunch some Time. Thanks to Holly's brilliance, we (meaning Holly) but together a scrumptious lunch of white-bean hummus and pepper/mystery herb ''Green Goo". Another day we
used the left-over hummus and made taco/flautas/quesadillas. Karen brought over oranges and salad. Look mom, I'm eating a tomato! And i'm eating salad with Chopsticks. Oh, we also made nachos the other day (sorry, no pix) and we proceeded to eat them with chopsticks. Holly and Karen barely noticed, but I guess i'm still just a China toddler, so I made a point of writing this anomaly in my blog post. Look at me ...rambling away...ramble ramble ramble. Maybe one of these days i'll tell you something interesting. For example about the furniture store in town that has gone all-out to advertise for some grand-opening/re-opening. Don't let me forget! Now I need to do some homework.