Monday, March 30, 2009

RIP nameless red fish

One of my fish died. The red one. While volunteering at the Seattle Aquarium, I learned that a fish will die if you name it. Maybe my fish knew that I was trying to considering names and decided to die honorably before I could give it such a nominal scar. You would think that I had learned my lesson, but I'm still considering names for my black fish. Joel suggested, "Kitty." I think it has a nice ring, but I am still open to other suggestions.
Here is another video for your viewing pleasure. I am riding through downtown Chengdu on my new bike! Again I apologize for the poor quality of my phone's video.


Daniel Leslie Peterson said...

Now I know why I lost "Andrew," a fish Mishael gave me for my springhouse study. How silly of me to think it had something to do with not feeding him or "boiling" him in the summer heat!

Unknown said...

Thank you for that, I really enjoyed that. :)

Joel A. Shaver said...


Teddy said...

HA JOEL's idea is really brilliant!Hello kitty ~

Kelly said...

Shelley! I am sorry for your loss. Perhaps you should name the black one in memory of the red one. Something such as Old Red would fit nicely.

Thanks for the videos. It is fun to see where you live.

Anonymous said...

Hey its Tia thats cool im studying ancient china right now in school and reading a book called chu-ju's house its about the child customs its really good so far but sad but thats cool your there, you will have to ask robin and jim for my email, L8r!


Anonymous said...

P.S. For $20 I wont tell your parents that you weren't wearing a helmet!


Shelley said...

Alright Tia! You're on. Oh wait...they already know....:/ Ooo! Maybe you can tell me some customs! I have no idea how to behave here sometimes!

Daniel and Natalie said...

Hooray for spring! for green! for bikes! and for Chairman Mao

Krista said...

I've notice this pattern of having named pets die rather quickly. Perhaps you could trick the Fates by calling him oudeis. Hey, it worked for Odysseus!

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry about your fish, really, but I have to disagree with the naming theory. There is much evidence to suggest otherwise. For instance what about Charlie tuna, ironically that fish was asking for it. How about the incredible Mr Limpet, not just a fish, but a fish with an adjective, and if you ask me, or watch the movie, a national treasure. Sigmund the sea monster, maybe not really a fish, maybe not even real, I'm pretty sure I saw a zipper.
Love the local videos!

Joel A. Shaver said...

That is a valid point, but I do take issue with one of your examples. It could convincingly be argued that Mr. Limpet received his name before his transformation into a fish. I think that his companion "Lady fish" presents a much stronger proof, although we have no way of knowing what became of the pair following Mr. Limpet's retirement from the Navy.

Anonymous said...

Yes of course, and obviously Ms Fish was nameless prior to Limpet's arrival. Unless you subscribe to Cousteau's "fish have names" theory, also sometimes known as "The SpongeBob Paradox". That could complicate things.