As a recent star on my campus' television network, I taught everyone to make PBJ sandwiches ninja style! 杀杀杀杀!!!

Speaking of food, here is a favorite snack among the Chinese people, and I even learned a new word: 爪子 (Zhua zi) which means 'claw.' Luckily it is also local dialect for 'What in chicken's feet do you think you're doing?' In this case it would be鸡爪子 鸡-ji (chicken)
um, Shelley... those "snacks"... they kinda look like human hands
so... nothing too weird, then!
Hey do you have the video to making those sandwiches? I'd love to see it:)
"Please do not spit everywhere..." Lovely. Also, the chicken feet look delicious. Thanks for another appetizing post! Fortunately your "poopy peanut-butter" story taught me to breakfast before I check your blog for updates!
Wow! All I have to do is show Daniel your blog and I won't have to worry about what to make for dinner. Many thanks!!!!!
okay so I've eaten those! yes!!! I feel exotic and not totally left out of all this amazing foreign living! sorry I haven't checked your blog in a while. still think of you often
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