Saturday, December 20, 2008


I would like to take a moment to respond to this thoughtful comment:

"I enjoy the pictures of the surroundings. Reminds me of the travelogs your Grandma used to take me to when I was a kid. Do you ever have trouble making purchases there if there are only characters and not words? Have you for instance ever had to go back to a store and say "Even though this plant food was delicious with a little milk and sugar, I would like to get coffee this time."

Hah!!! You bet I have trouble making purchases. Usually I just nod, smile, say an affirmative 'uhh,' and resign myself to the knowledge that I am about to have an adventure. So far I have purchased date flavored yogurt instead of strawberry yogurt, bought some lemongrass-mint gum, and attempted to buy a bunch of bananas that were intended to be individually deep-fried and sold. However with a bit of persistence, hand-motions, crude drawings, and laughter even the novice can successfully score a nice dish of korean-style squid!


jeremy and lenore diviney said...

squid is WRONG

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Shelley!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous is Jim :)


Daniel and Natalie said...

I have to agree with Lenore on the squid. Thanks for the comment on the blog! Sophie is settling in nicely and I have been letting Evelyn watch alot of Sesame Street lately. ;) It sounds like things are moving pretty well for you. We sure missed having you around for the holidays. I hope to see Joel when he's here but there is so much snow and it is hard to get out with two. Somehow two kids translates to four times the stuff and eight times the time to get it ready. :) Love and miss you and thanks for keeping us posted