I was only a little disappointed when it turned out to be 'herbal jelly.' However, even herbal jelly can be fun sometimes!
I had my first test today for my language class. I think it went ok. Check out some of my homework! So far, whenever I show my work to them, my teachers ask me to stop drawing pictures in class...I'm not sure how to say 'chicken scratch' in Chinese.
Oh! Almost forgot-if you're interested I've been dumping more pictures here: http://picasaweb.google.com/postcentral.gyrus
Wow. Not sure how, but it looks like I deleted these nice comments!
Anonymous Teddy said...
HI,吴澜~not all else fails!!
as a friend ,I know see u understand our culture little by little .
as a teacher ,i see a student really push herself so hard to learn the new language.
i know we all hate"little".that is not a really nice word.
but we know we are little by little .we know we r moving upword.
hey how can u hope for another better world? :)
By the way ,can i have a better show up ?photographer!
December 15, 2008 1:47 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I enjoy the pictures of the surroundings. Reminds me of the travelogs your Grandma used to take me to when I was a kid. Do you ever have trouble making purchases their, if their are only characters and not words? Have you for instance ever had to go back to a store and say "Even though this plant food was delicious with a little milk and sugar, I would like to get coffee this time."
hey! I love all your pictures. praying for you!
All I have to say is that I’m not jealous of you when it comes to language study. Learning the hardest language in the world, can’t be easy; it makes my Bangla headaches seem miniscule. I hope you’re doing well though!
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