A whole month of China! woops. It's been hot, sweaty, and busy. This month has been full of blocked blogger, health exams, visa mafan, moving, and goodbyes. The month has contained at least as many emotions, but has also been a time for me to really appreciate the love and friendship of those around me. As usual when overwhelmed by how to update such a range of experiences, I'll resort to the fruit of my camera. (Speaking of pictures, I just created a flickr account:
Goodbye Christmas party in my apartment
A tasty dish
Me dancing
I went to Qing Cheng Shan with a one of my students/friends and her family. It was a really nice weekend trip away from the city and filled with SiChuan culture and beautiful scenery. To begin with here's a bit of Chengdu culture for you-Food and Majang:
Typical Chinese breakfast: mantou (steamed bun), xi fan (rice porridge/water), egg, peanuts, and pickled vegetable
Not breakfast
A stone dragon
I hate when this happens
A thing
A building
I like the thing!
You should have a post about APU.
Also, I like the green thing too.
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