After our meal we went to play with fire as per Chinese New Year tradition.

Derry's mom, Derry, and I made 饺子(jiao zi)-dumplings-for lunch the next day (another Chinese New Year tradition).

That night we went to the 42nd annual light festival in Chengdu. Here is money pouring forth from the money deity.

After 2 nights in Chengdu, I made it to my friend 晓丹's house for more Spring Festival festivities. It was COLD--hence the face. Her brother is standing to my right with family members (from her dad's side) looking on. I didn't stop eating the whole time I was with her. I felt like a whale--swimming through the day with my mouth open. Maybe I'll grow into the coat (borrowed from friends in Chengdu).

I finally made it back to Nanchong, and Holly is Sooo happy!!!